Use of has have and had
What is the use of has have and had?
has have and had का क्या प्रयोग है?
जब आपके पास किसी चीज़ के होने का बोध हो जैसे:- कोई वस्तु या भाई बहन
When you have something like anything or brother-sister.
When to use has have and had?
has have and had का कब प्रयोग करते है?
Has:- It is used in the Present tense with he, she, it, and singular noun.
इसका प्रयोग वर्तमान में he, she, it, and singular noun के साथ किया जाता है |
Have:- It is used in the Present tense with I, we, you, they, and plural noun.
इसका प्रयोग वर्तमान में I, we, you, they, and plural noun के साथ किया जाता है |
Had:- It is used in the Past tense with I, we, you, they, and plural noun.
इसका प्रयोग वर्तमान में I, we, you, they, and plural noun के साथ किया जाता है |
Use of has have had chart
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use of has have had |
Use of has have in Hindi
Use of has have in English grammar
Has have का English Grammar में प्रयोग
Has:- जब आपके पास किसी चीज़ के होने का बोध हो जैसे:- कोई वस्तु या भाई बहन
इसका प्रयोग वर्तमान (Present) में होता है |
We use it with Singular noun and (he, she, it,)
We use it with Singular noun and (he, she, it,)
Has का प्रयोग Singular noun तथा (he, she, it, i) के साथ किया जाता है
Example of has:-- अभय के पास गाड़ी है | Abhay has a Car.
- उसके पास घर है | He has a house.
- उसके पास मेरी किताब है | She has my book.
- इसके चार पहिए है | It has four wheels.
Use of have
Have:- जब आपके पास किसी चीज़ के होने का बोध हो जैसे:- कोई वस्तु या भाई बहन
इसका प्रयोग वर्तमान (Present) में होता है |
We use it with the Plural noun and (I, we, you, they.)
We use it with the Plural noun and (I, we, you, they.)
Have का प्रयोग Plural noun तथा (I, we, you, they) के साथ किया जाता है
Example of have:-
- लडको के पास पैसे है | Boys have money.
- मेरे पास एक विचार है | I have an idea.
- हमारे पास बहुत परेशानियाँ है | We have many problems.
- तुम्हारे पास बहुत कुछ है | You have many things.
- उनके दो भाई है | They have two brothers.
Use of had
Example of had:-
Use of Has have had examples in Hindi and English
Had:-जब आपके पास किसी चीज़ के होने का बोध हो जैसे:- कोई वस्तु या भाई बहन
इसका प्रयोग भूतकाल (Past) में होता है |
We use it with Singular noun and Plural noun (he, she, it) and (I, we, you, they)
Had का प्रयोग Singular noun and Plural noun (he, she, it) and (I, we, you, they)
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Use of had |
- राम के तीन भाई थे | Ram had four brothers.
- लडकियों के पास खूबसूरत कपडे थे | Girls had beautiful Clothes.
- उसके पास घडी थी | He had a watch.
- उसकी दो पक्की सहेलियाँ थी | She had two fast friends.
- मेरे पास महँगा मोबाइल था | I had an expensive mobile.
- हमारे पास दो गाय थी | We had two cows.
- तुम्हारे पास हज़ार रूपए थे | You had thousand rupees.
- उनके पास एक पार्टी हॉल था | They had a party hall.
Use of Has have had examples in Hindi and English
Affirmative Sentence
- मेरे पास अच्छी खबर है | I have good news.
- उसके दो बच्चे है | He has two children.
- हमारे पांच होटल है | We have five hotels.
- उसके दो भाई और एक बहन है | She has two brothers and one sister.
- तुम्हारे पास खतरनाक कुत्तें है | You have dangerous dogs.
- उनके पास खाना था | They had food.
- उसके पास बहुत कुछ था | He had many things.
- मोहन के पास हीरा है | Mohan has a diamond.
Has have had examples
Negative Sentence
- मेरे पास अच्छी खबर नहीं है | I have not good news.
- उसके दो बच्चे नहीं है | He has not two children.
- हमारे पांच होटल नहीं है | We have not five hotels.
- उसके दो भाई और एक बहन नहीं है | She has not two brothers and one sister.
- तुम्हारे पास खतरनाक कुत्तें नहीं है | You have not dangerous dogs.
- उनके पास खाना नहीं था | They had no food.
- उसके पास बहुत कुछ नहीं था | He had nothing.
- मोहन के पास हीरा नहीं है | Mohan has not a diamond.
Has have had examples
Interrogative Sentences (Type A)
- क्या तुम्हारे पास अच्छी खबर है ? have you good news?
- क्या उसके दो बच्चे है ? Has he two children?
- क्या हमारे पांच होटल है ? Have we five hotels?
- क्या उसके दो भाई और एक बहन है ? Has she two brothers and one sister?
- क्या तुम्हारे पास खतरनाक कुत्तें है ? Have you dangerous dogs?
- क्या उनके पास खाना था ? Had They food?
- क्या उसके पास बहुत कुछ था ? Had he many things?
- क्या मोहन के पास हीरा है ? Has mohan a diamond?
Has have had examples
Interrogative Sentences (Type B)
तुम्हारा पास क्या था ?
What had your name?
उनके कितने भाई है?
How many brothers they have?
उसके पास कितने पैसे है ?
How much money he has?
तुम्हारे पास क्या था ?
What had you?
रमेश के पास कितने जोड़ी जूते थे ?
How many pairs of shoes did Ramesh have?
उनके परिवार में कितने सदस्य है ?
How many members do they have in their family?
How many pairs of shoes did Ramesh have?
उनके परिवार में कितने सदस्य है ?
How many members do they have in their family?