We are Going to Learn Use of These and Those in Hindi and English.
Use of These and Those in Hindi and English
These and Those का प्रयोग सीखिए :-
These and Those का प्रयोग किसी वस्तु को इशारे से बताने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है
These and Those का प्रयोग बहुवचन के साथ किया जाता है |
These and Those are used with Plural Noun.
These and Those का प्रयोग बहुवचन के साथ किया जाता है |
These and Those are used with Plural Noun.
These:- ये (पास के लिए ) (For nearby things)
ये लोगों और चीजों, स्थितियों और अनुभवों को संदर्भित करने के लिए हैं जो स्पीकर के करीब हैं या समय के बहुत करीब हैं।
These to refer to people and things, situations, and experiences that are close to the speaker or very close in time.
Those:- वे (दूर के लिए) (For far things)
उन लोगों और चीजों, स्थितियों, और अनुभवों का उल्लेख करना जो अधिक दूर हैं, या तो समय या शारीरिक रूप से।
Those to refer to people and things, situations, and experiences that are more distant, either in time or physically.
"are" These and Those की सहायक क्रिया है |
"are" is the helping verb of These and Those.
Affirmative Sentences:-
- ये किताबे है These are books.
- वे पंखे है Those are fans.
- ये विधार्थी है These are students.
- वे बच्चे है Those are children.
- ये लड़के शरारती है These boys are naughty.
- वे लडकियाँ सुन्दर है Those girls are beautiful.
- ये कुत्ते खतरनाक है These dogs are dangerous.
- वे गाड़ियाँ तेज़ है Those cars are fast.
Use of Possisive with These and Those
(If you don't know what is Possisive go and read Person Chart)
- ये मेरी किताबे है These are my books.
- वे तुम्हारे कमरे है Those are their rooms.
- ये उनके कपडे है These are their clothes.
- वे हमारे विधार्थी है Those are our students.
- ये उसके घोड़े है These are his horses.
- वे उसकी गाड़ियाँ है Those are her cars.
Use of ('s) with These and Those
We use it with the name
- ये रमेश के घोड़े है These are ramesh's horses.
- वे रोहन के कुत्ते है Those are rohan's dogs.
- ये रीना के कपडे है These are reena's clothes.
- वे कोमल की गाड़ियाँ है Those are komal's cars.
Negative Sentences
Use "Not" after the helping verb(is).
- ये मेरी किताबे नहीं है These are not my books.
- वे हमारे विधार्थी नहीं है Those are not our students.
- ये कुत्ते खतरनाक नहीं है These dogs are not dangerous.
- वे गाड़ियाँ तेज़ नहीं है Those cars are not fast.
- ये लड़के विधार्थी नहीं है These boys are not students.
- वे लडकियाँ सुन्दर नहीं है Those girls are not beautiful.
- ये रमेश के घोड़े नहीं है These are not ramesh's horses.
- वे रोहन के कुत्ते नहीं है Those are not rohan's dogs.
- ये रीना के कपडे नहीं है These are not reena's clothes.
- वे कोमल की गाड़ियाँ नहीं है Those are not komal's cars.
Interrogative Sentences
- क्या ये किताबे है ? are these books ?
- क्या वे पंखे है ? are those fans ?
- क्या ये लड़के शरारती है are these boys naughty ?
- क्या वे लडकियाँ सुन्दर है are those girls beautiful ?
- क्या ये कुत्ते खतरनाक है are these dogs are dangerous ?
- क्या वे गाड़ियाँ तेज़ है are those cars fast ?
- क्या ये रमेश के घोड़े है Are these ramesh's horses ?
- क्या वे कोमल की गाड़ियाँ है Are those komal's cars ?
Make Examples by yourself to do your practice.
I hope you have understood the Use of These and Those. If you have any doubt related to the Use of These and Those please feel free to ask in the comment box.