was were worksheet solution

Was were worksheet solution

was were workbook solution
was were workbook solution

I hope you have made sentences in a good manner. Check out the answers to find out your mistakes.
If you don't know the Use of was were read this Lesson First.

अगर आपको Use of was were नहीं आते तो पहले आप उस Lesson को पहले पढ़े |

Was Were Worksheet Solution

Use was were in the following sentences.

1. How many people ___were_____ at your house last weekend?
2. The book wasn´t difficult It ___was____ easy.
3. Those ____were______ my best jeans.
4. Dinosaurs ___were____ prehistoric animals.
5. _were_____ your friends at school yesterday?
6. Sandra ___was____ not at school yesterday.
7. You ___were______ nasty to me!
8. _were____ your grandparent's designers.
9. John and I ___were_____ in the garden.
10. __were______ your parents in the restaurant? Yes, they ____were______ .
11. My grandmother ___was____ a nurse. She wasn´t a doctor.
12. I ___was____ thin when I was 6 years old.
13. When I___was____ younger, I played with teddy bears.
14. We ____were____ away on vacation last month.

15. ___were_____ you at the cinema last night?
16. This book___was____ very easy.
17. You _____were______hungry.
18. It ___was____not my mistake.
19. Sohan___was____absent yesterday.
20. It ___was____a difficult task.

was were exercises worksheet solution pdf
was were worksheet pdf
was were worksheet solution in Hindi

Use of was were exercises in Hindi

Translate the following sentences.

Affirmative Sentences
  1. मै अमेरिका का नागरिक था | I was american citeizen. 
  2. तुम मेरे सहपाठी थे  |             You were my classmate.  
  3. वह इंग्लिश में अच्छा था |       He was good at english.
  4. वे कक्षा के होनहार बच्चे थे  |  They were promising kids in the classroom.
  5. वह लड़की बहुत सुंदर थी |    That girl was very beautiful.
  6. राम क्रिकेट का खिलाडी था  |Ram was a cricket player.
  7. रवीना हमारे टीम की कप्तान थी  | Raveena was our team captain.
  8. तुम 10वी कक्षा के छात्र  थी |       You were student of 10th class.

Negative Sentences

  1. तुम अच्छे विधार्थी नहीं थे |         You were not good students.
  2. वह कक्षा के मॉनिटर नहीं था  |   He was not monitor of the class.
  3. वे पार्टी में नहीं थे  |  They were not in the party
  4. वह इंग्लिश की कक्षा में उपस्थित नहीं था | He was not present in the class.
  5. वे घर पर थे  | They were at home.
  6. तुम्हारे दादाजी फ़ौज में नहीं थे  |  Your grandpa was not in the army.
  7. मै मैक्स अस्पताल का डॉक्टर था | I was doctor of max hospital.
  8. हम पार्क में नहीं थे | We were not in the park.
Interrogative Sentences
  1. क्या वह खबर सच्ची थी | Was that news true?
  2. क्या हम सही नहीं थे |      Were we not right?
  3. क्या वे हमारे घर के सदस्य थे | Were they member of our house?
  4. क्या उसके पिताजी सरकारी कर्मचारी थे | Was his father government employ?
  5. क्या वह गलत नहीं थी | Was she not wrong?
  6. क्या हम इसके लिए जिम्मेदार  नहीं  थे | Were we not responsible for this?
  7. क्या यह अच्छा सवाल नहीं था | Was this not a good question?
  8. क्या कोई संदेह था | Was there any doubt?

I hope you have done it successfully if yes comment below if no Check the Last lesson Use of was were

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